Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Koko Smiles

Here's Koko with a great big smile on his face. We were out in the yard playing fetch and he ran up, sat, and gave me this great big smile. What a happy boy he is! In this picture you can see that the tip of his left paw is dipped in white chocolate :)

The Three Amigos

Koko is a SCLRR (www.sclrr.org) rescued lab that is currently being fostered in our home with our own two adopted yellow male labs, Smitty on the left and Darwin on the right. Koko and Darwin took a couple of days to sort out the pecking order, but with a little human intervention Koko now knows he's at the bottom of the pack. As you can see, they are a pretty relaxed pack.

Here's Smitty and Koko just hanging out wondering why a flash keeps going off in their face. I think I might have disturbed their nap!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Smitty gets wheels

Since January 2007, Smitty has lost total use of his back legs. Thanks to www.doggon.com Smitty has a new pair of wheels and a new lease on life. Now he's walking to the park again, fetching the tennis ball, and roaming the backyard. He's able to do what most able-legged dogs are able to do once he's in his wheels. Go Smitty!